Good karma job hunting: Connecting with the hidden job market

Tapping the “hidden job market” is an oft-mentioned strategy touted by employment experts advising how to find your ideal work. 

If you’ve been looking for a job recently, you’ll know that relying on the newspapers or job sites for finding out about job opportunities doesn’t turn up many “woo hoo” jobs. At the other end, if you’ve ever looked for staff, you’ll know that advertising can be costly and often, unproductive. So how do you tap into something that everyone acknowledges is hidden? 

It’s all about connections. At the moment we are inundated with new ways to connect with others. Word of mouth, or buzz, is just a Facebook or Twitter update away. But is anyone using this new accessibility to connection to match those who need staff with those who need work?

A philanthropic venture called Karmic Leads is giving job hunters and employers an alternative place to connect. And it’s not just a service to hook you up with “jobs” but includes matching for mentoring, speaking, and board positions. 

I love this idea. It’s sort of like a Craigslist for work and it goes beyond the “9to5, full-time, employee” work model. 

I have no idea how they are making money from it – as it is apparently a no-cost service – but I assume it is being approached with long-term goals. While the site doesn’t mention any other services, I would imagine that reciprocity would be at work.  Those who use the job connections service would be likely to pay-it-forward by perhaps using one of the parent company’s other services. There are lots of possibilities to make this one work, if only for the database and connections it makes for Karmic Leads. 

I’m not aware of any similar local sites but it would be a very timely business opportunity for someone who likes to connect with others. And it would get us a step closer to making the real job market visible. 

I wonder if I know anyone who would be up for the job? 😉


:: Thanks to Triple Pundit for the lead. ::