Craig fesses up: Original Notes From Chris


Note From Chris by Todd Lamb

New York bus stop Note From Chris by Todd Lamb

A couple of weeks ago I wrote about some strange posters appearing around Melbourne inviting people to meet up with someone named Craig. (See Craig’s Other List) Well, it turns out that Craig’s notes were, um, inspired by a New York project by writer/director/maker, Todd Lamb entitled Notes From Chris.

Todd describes the project as “Notes stuck around NYC from a man named Chris who wants to do tedious things with people.” And when you check out Todd’s four original Notes From Chris, there is a striking resemblance.

When I heard about Todd’s work (thanks Neatorama reader, AP!) I wondered if it was an international collaboration. But no, Craig just liked Todd’s work and adapted it to his own neighbourhood.

Says Craig, “I have no connection with Chris I just liked the work that he’d done and thought I’d play with the concept locally in Melbourne.  I didn’t expect it to take off like it has.  And no, Chris isn’t happy so I must apologise.  In my defense, Chris wrote 4 notes, I have written 18 so they’re not all copies, but the original concept is all his.”

Congrats to Todd for the original idea and to Craig for running with it.

You certainly got people talking!

Todd Lamb’s Notes From Chris

See zoomdoggle

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